
Maryam Eivazi

The Albanese Arte gallery in collaboration with the Alessandro Albanese gallery presents the solo exhibition of the Iranian artist Maryam Eivazi, through the last artistic production will be presented about 10 works made on a large scale, paintings made on fabrics and sewn silks made with oil paints, acrylics and oil chalks, will fill the gallery spaces.

Painting with different techniques and drawing with spectacular related visual figures has always been the inspiration for the artistic research of Iranian artist Maryam Eivazi, born in Tehran in 1980. Proceeding with the series of "Stickers", the latest artistic production of Maryam Eivazi, in this series, the shapes and lines similar to the hallmarks of her works, take shape. Forms in 3d sewn from fabrics and scraps of used canvases are filled with fiber and finally prepared with techniques of coloring techniques equal to those used in the process of preparation of the canvas or silks before cutting and sewing or painting or drawing on canvas, in short, before starting the pictorial process of a work. pictorial process of a work these objects, from the same form of its imaginary alphabet are ready to launch the artistic message.