L’equilibrio della Sintesi

Odinakachi Kingsley Okoroafor

On Thursday 22 September 2022, Galleria Alessandro Albanese presents the exhibition “L’Equilibrio della Sintesi”, a solo show by Nigerian artist Odinakachi Kingsley Okoroafor. The pictorial work on display celebrates African culture with a fresh and unique intensity and atmosphere. The body of work is entitled Ogadimma, meaning ‘Everything will be ok’, and reflects on contemporary political and social issues in the artist’s native culture through the lenses, veils and colors of its own everyday life.

From the critical text by Edilio Rusconi ‘The artist’s narrative is strong, emotional and seductive. The tactile sign of the pictorial stroke so nourished by density and color is able to convey emotion and strength. It multiplies the elements to unite and relate the observer to the observable. The artist opens a window onto the world of the unconscious, offering insights that take us back to the instinctual search nature for meaning. By directing the perceptual system towards the works, the overall vision takes us back to the dimension of nature where anthropological forms are an element among elements.” [...]